This bike started out with a story. Back in 2010 I was looking for a used tandem for family adventures. After a bit of searching, I found a nice-looking candidate at a good price on Craigslist and made an appointment to see it up in Marin. I took the kids with me and they got to see one of the strangest deals ever. We arrived and took it for a quick test spin to check fit and function. We decided this would be a great bike and began the required gentle haggle because one must at least ask. As we were doing it, we discovered that another buyer had an appointment scheduled also and he arrived. We both wanted the bike. You could see the seller getting excited about the bidding war to come. But no. Buyer #2 did want it, but was unwilling to raise the bid nor was I. Apparently, we both felt it was the right price and not one to bid up. So Buyer #2 and I agreed to flip a coin for it 🤷. The seller was clearly not thrilled but what can he say? We were both offering to pay the...